VocabAhead SAT Vocabulary: Cartoons, Videos & MP3s

This product is designed to be a complete solution for your SAT vocabulary building needs. The book entitles you to free downloads of MP3 audios and Vocabulary Videos for the 300 difficult SAT words. You can listen to the narrations on-the-go using your favorite MP3 player and can watch SAT level Vocabulary Videos on your computer or other portable device such as iPod, iPhone or iPad.
Available at Amazon.com

VocabAhead SAT Vocabulary: Cartoons, Videos & MP3s

This product is designed to be a complete solution for your SAT vocabulary building needs. The book entitles you to free downloads of MP3 audios and Vocabulary Videos for the 300 difficult SAT words. You can listen to the narrations on-the-go using your favorite MP3 player and can watch SAT level Vocabulary Videos on your computer or other portable device such as iPod, iPhone or iPad.
Available at Amazon.com