1000 SAT Vocabulary Videos & MP3s
This DVD-ROM contains more than 1000 SAT Vocabulary Videos with MP3 audios files.
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DVD Contents: 1000+ Video files in multiple formats (mp4, wmv, mov), 1000+
Audio files in mp3 format. This is 12 hrs of audio
narrations . You can listen to all narrations while driving or
on-the-go using your favorite mp3 player or iPod/iPhone.
Who Created it ?
VocabAhead, with the help of talented artists, high school teachers and professional narrators created this product so students involved in building strong vocabulary have best possible material. VocabAhead is dedicated to coming up with methods and techniques which would simplify the process of building a strong vocabulary. Strong vocabulary is not only essential in doing excellent in standardized Tests like SAT but also key to professional development and getting ahead in your career.
Groundbreaking Technique
It is easier to understand a word's meaning if concept behind it is brought to life through visuals. Picture is worth a thousand words hence we created a unique picture for every word. In order to make sure you not only know correct pronunciation but context and 'sense' of the word and its meaning we got help from professional narrators (voice talent folks) to narrate the 'short story' which we created around every word.
At VocabAhead we believe in today's day and age building vocabulary should not be limited to reading dead written text from a dictionary or via Flash Cards. Those are so boring! Vocabulary is about words and words carry depth in concepts, hence vocabulary building must bring those core concept / meanings to life.
SAT Vocabulary Word List
1 abase (V) to embarrass or shame someone else; it also means to lower yourself physically or in rank 2 abate (V) to reduce or to end. 3 abdicate (V) to give up power or control. 4 abduction (N) to a kidnapping, taking away or carrying someone off against his or her will 5 abet (V) to give help to someone who is doing something wrong. 6 abject (ADJ) in very poor circumstances or in hopeless condition. 7 abjure (V) to take back or claim that something isn't true, or to give up on your previous beliefs 8 ablution (N) bathing or washing, often as a religious ritual. 9 abnegation (N) to the act of staying away from something 10 abolish (V) to put an end to something. 11 aboriginal (ADJ) earliest known in an area, native. 12 abound (V) to exist in great size or large numbers. 13 aboveboard (ADV) open, without dishonesty or concealment. 14 abrade (V) to wear down or rub something away by friction. 15 abrasive (ADJ) something that is rough like sandpaper, or something causing friction or tension 16 abridge (V) to cut short, reduce in size or to shrink 17 abrogate (V) to put an end to or repeal something by official means. 18 abscond (V) to make off with something secretly. 19 absolute (ADJ) full, perfect, or complete; it also means without limits or boundaries 20 absolve (V) to free someone from obligation or blame. 21 absorb (V) to get someone's full interest; it also means to suck up or to take in 22 abstain (V) to hold back from something, avoid, or quit. 23 abstemious (ADJ) avoiding the consumption of too much food or alcohol. 24 abstract (ADJ) not easily understood or applied, or theoretical. 25 abstruse (ADJ) deep, hard to understand, or complicated 26 abundant (ADJ) plentiful, in great quantity. 27 abut (V) to be on the border of something; to be adjacent. 28 abysmal (ADJ) terrible or awful. 29 abyss (N) a bottomless pit or hole. 30 academic (ADJ) having to do with formal education or with teaching and learning 31 accede (V) to agree to something, to approve. 32 accentuate (V) to make something more important or to highlight 33 accessible (ADJ) to be within reach or easy to approach. 34 accessory (N) an assistant, and also refers to an add-on. 35 acclaim (V) to greet or announce with great applause or praise. 36 acclimate (V) to adjust to the climate, to adjust to some new situation. 37 acclivity (N) an upward slope (as of ground). 38 accolade (N) awards, honors, or praise. 39 accommodate (V) to make room for something, to help out, to go well with, or to do a favor for someone. 40 accomplice (N) someone who helps commit a crime. 41 accouter (V) to give clothing and equipment to someone, especially for military service. 42 accretion (N) a gradual increase by external additions. 43 accrue (V) to grow in size or number over time, to add to something slowly. 44 acerbity (N) bitterness, roughness or sharpness. 45 acetic (ADJ) sour, acid-like, related to vinegar. 46 acidulous (ADJ) sour or sharp in taste or manner. 47 acquiesce (V) to agree to without protest, generally without enthusiasm. 48 acquittal (N) a determination of not guilty. 49 acrid (ADJ) acid, sour, biting or stinging, burning, or bitter in taste or manner. 50 acrimonious (ADJ) bitter or harsh. 51 acrophobia (N) the fear of heights. 52 actuarial (ADJ) having to do with insurance risks and premiums. 53 actuate (V) to put into motion or to put into action. 54 acuity (N) keenness, acuteness or sharpness 55 acumen (N) great skill, smartness 56 adapt (V) to adjust or to change something to meet a new circumstance 57 addendum (N) an addition at the end of a book, an extra part, or something added. 58 addle (V) to confuse or cause confusion. 59 adept (ADJ) highly skilled or experienced in a particular area, proficient 60 adherent (N) a follower of someone or a believer of a cause or idea. 61 adhere (V) to hold tightly, to support a certain cause, rule, or belief, or to stay attached to something. 62 adjourn (V) to postpone to a later time, or to move to another room during a meeting or in court. 63 adjunct (N) someone with lesser status or someone or something that provides assistance. 64 adorn (V) to decorate, make prettier or to beautify. 65 adulation (N) excessive praise, devotion or flattery. 66 adulterate (V) to make impure by adding something that is inferior. 67 adventitious (ADJ) accidental or abnormal in appearance. 68 adverse (ADJ) bad, unfavorable, or against someone or something. 69 adversity (N) hardship and suffering; condition of misfortune. 70 advocacy (N) support, help, or the act of fighting for something or someone. 71 advocate (V) to support, speak, or act in favor of something. 72 aegis (N) sponsorship, leadership or protection 73 aerie (N) a bird�s nest high on a cliff. 74 affable (ADJ) friendly, easy to be around, or having good manners and pleasant speech. 75 affect (V) to touch, change or to have an effect on someone or something. 76 affiliation (N) a connection to or an association with someone or something. 77 affinity (N) a family relationship that is not by blood but by marriage, or a natural attraction. 78 affirmation (N) a positive statement that something is true. 79 affirm (TRV) to say something in a positive way. 80 affliction (N) great physical or mental distress; great hardship. 81 affront (N) an insult or show of disrespect. 82 aftermath (N) the results of an event, the effects or outcome of an action or situation. 83 agent (N) one that causes or affects something. 84 agglomeration (N) a cluster of something, mass of varied parts 85 aggrandize (V) to expand something or make it bigger, to exaggerate. 86 aggressor (N) one who attacks without being first provoked. 87 aghast (ADJ) to be in wonder or fear, feeling great horror, or being very upset at seeing something. 88 agility (N) the ability to move or think quickly and easily. 89 agitate (V) to move about or do something quite rapidly. 90 agnostic (N) someone who is not certain about existence of God. 91 agog (ADJ) to be very excited, eager and full of interest. 92 alacrity (N) being eager, ready, and willing to do something. 93 alchemy (N) a medieval chemical science aiming to convert the base metals into gold. 94 alias (N) a false name often used as a disguise. 95 alienate (V) to cause someone to be hostile or unfriendly. 96 alimentary (ADJ) relating to food, nutrition, or digestion. 97 alimony (N) payment made to a former spouse to help with living expenses. 98 allay (V) to calm, to ease. 99 allege (V) to claim that something is true. 100 allegory (N) a story that symbolizes an abstract meaning. 101 alloy (N) a combination of two or more metals. 102 allude (V) to suggest or refer to something indirectly. 103 aloft (ADV) held up, in the air, flying, or in a high place. 104 amalgam (N) a combination or mixture. 105 ambidextrous (ADJ) able to use either or both hands with equal skill. 106 ambience (N) the atmosphere or feeling of a place. 107 ambitious (ADJ) showing a strong desire or specific drive to obtain a goal. 108 ambivalent (ADJ) undecided or simultaneously having opposite or conflicting feelings, such as love and hate. 109 amble (V) to walk leisurely or to stroll. 110 ambulatory (ADJ) able to walk. 111 ameliorate (V) to make more tolerable or to make better. 112 amenable (ADJ) ready to be changed or controlled. 113 amend (V) to make better or improve, and to change or revise. 114 amenities (N) pleasant qualities or behavior, or pleasant features or attractions. 115 amiable (ADJ) having a pleasant and friendly disposition. 116 amicable (ADJ) friendly, pleasant, and good-natured. 117 amiss (ADJ) to something that seems wrong about a situation, when something is not right or is out of order. 118 amnesia (N) loss of memory, often caused by trauma or shock. 119 amorous (ADJ) to being loving, full of love, having to do with sexual love 120 amorphous (ADJ) lacking a definite shape or form. 121 amputate (V) to cut off a limb or body part, usually during surgery. 122 anachronistic (ADJ) out of place in a particular time period or out of chronological order. 123 analgesic (N) a pain killer or a remedy for pain 124 anarchy (N) the complete absence of government or order. 125 anathema (N) a person or thing that is extremely hated or disliked. 126 ancestry (N) family ties or all the members of your family that came before you. 127 anesthetic (N) a substance that causes numbness or a loss of sensation in body. 128 anguish (N) great suffering, usually from worry, grief, or pain. 129 angular (ADJ) having angles; it can also mean stiff and awkward. 130 animosity (N) to extreme dislike, hatred, or ill will. 131 animus (N) a feeling of strong dislike or hatred 132 annihilate (V) to destroy completely or kill. 133 anoint (V) to rub or sprinkle oil on, to make sacred, or to choose by divine knowledge. 134 anomalous (ADJ) to be out of the ordinary or unusual. 135 anonymity (N) being nameless or having no personal identity. 136 antagonism (N) an opposition, tension or competition between two or more things. 137 antecedents (N) the history or events of one�s earlier life. 138 antecede (V) to come before something. 139 antedate (V) to happen before a particular time or date, or to assign an earlier date to something. 140 anterior (ADJ) at or toward the front. 141 anthology (N) a collection of literary pieces in a single format, like a book. 142 anthropoid (ADJ) looking like a human, especially certain types of apes. 143 anthropologist (N) a person who studies human behavior and nature, and origins of human society. 144 antidote (N) a remedy to counteract a poison or other evil. 145 antipathy (N) dislike, hatred, or the object of dislike. 146 antipodal (ADJ) being directly opposite one another or contrary. 147 antiquated (ADJ) very old, behind the times, or antique. 148 antiseptic (N) any substance that stops or prevents infection. 149 antithesis (N) the exact opposite of something or someone. 150 apathy (N) lack of emotion or interest. 151 ape (V) to copy or mimic the actions of someone. 152 aphasia (N) the loss of power to use or understand words, usually caused by brain disease or injury. 153 apiary (N) a place where bees are kept. 154 apocalyptic (ADJ) predicting imminent disaster or total destruction. 155 apocryphal (ADJ) not knowing if something is genuine or authentic, fictional, or invented. 156 apolitical (ADJ) not political, not concerned with politicians or the government. 157 apostate (N) a person who turns against their religious beliefs, political party, or cause they used to support. 158 apothegm (ADV) a short, wise statement or saying 159 apotheosis (N) the elevation to the status of a god or ideal being. 160 appall (V) to horrify, shock, disgust, or revolt someone. 161 apparatus (N) the instruments, materials, tools, etc. needed for a specific purpose. 162 apparition (N) a ghostly figure. 163 appease (V) to calm someone down, especially by giving in to the demands. 164 appellation (N) name or title. 165 append (V) to add on or to attach. 166 apportion (V) to divide or distribute in shares, usually according to a plan. 167 apposite (ADJ) appropriate or relevant to a situation. 168 appraise (V) to estimate the value or worth of something. 169 apprehensive (ADJ) worried or anxious, or having fear of what may happen. 170 apprenticeship (N) a period of learning or studying under a master in a particular field or craft. 171 approbation (N) an official approval, praise, or commendation. 172 appurtenance (N) something added to something else, or a piece of equipment. 173 apropos (ADV) at the right time or in just the right way; 174 aquatic (ADJ) to living in or being done on the water, or related to the ocean. 175 aquiline (ADJ) curved or hooked. 176 arable (ADJ) to be ready for growing crops, suitable for plowing. 177 arbitrator (N) a third party or person who steps in to smooth over or settle a disagreement. 178 arboretum (N) a place where many different types of trees and shrubs are grown for study and exhibition. 179 arcade (N) a passage with an arched roof or any passageway. 180 arcane (ADJ) meant for or known to only a select few. 181 archaeology (N) the scientific study of ancient peoples and their cultures, by analysis of their artifacts and relics. 182 archaic (ADJ) old and out of use. 183 archipelago (N) a group of islands or a sea that contains a group of islands. 184 ardent (ADJ) warm or intense, usually describing feelings or emotions. 185 arduous (ADJ) difficult, exhausting or requiring lots of energy and effort 186 aria (N) a song performed solo, as in an opera. 187 arid (ADJ) dry, barren, lacking in rainfall, useless, or dull. 188 aristocracy (N) the privileged minority or upper class. 189 armada (N) a large group of armed ships. 190 armistice (N) a temporary cease-fire between warring parties just before a peace treaty is made 191 aroma (N) a pleasant odor or fragrance. 192 arousal (N) an action or feeling that excites or stimulates. 193 arraign (V) to charge or to accuse. 194 arrant (ADJ) extreme, outright, notorious. 195 arrears (N) to an overdue debt or being behind in payments or in work. 196 arroyo (N) a dry creek which fills with water after rain. 197 arsenal (N) a place for making and storing weapons, a storehouse, a supply, or resources. 198 artful (ADJ) skillful, clever or cunning, especially in achieving one�s own purpose. 199 articulate (ADJ) using language clearly or spoken in a way that is easily understood. 200 artifice (N) a trick, a deception, or a clever move. 201 artisan (N) a worker in a skilled trade, a craftsman. 202 ascendancy (N) a position in which one has control or power, or is governing. 203 ascertain (V) to learn, to find out with certainty, or to discover through investigation. 204 ascetic (ADJ) self-denying, simple or without luxury of any kind, strict 205 ascribe (V) to assign or attribute, as a cause or a source of something. 206 aseptic (ADJ) germ-free; it can also mean lacking in emotion or warmth. 207 ashen (ADJ) very gray or pale, looking like ash. 208 asinine (ADJ) stupid, foolish, or lacking good sense or intelligence 209 askew (ADJ) out of line, or off center. 210 aspersion (N) a damaging remark about someone or something, or verbal abuse. 211 assay (V) to test, to analyze, to try or attempt to analyze the ingredients of something. 212 assent (V) to agree to or to approve. 213 assert (V) to insist on something or to state strongly. 214 assiduous (ADJ) very dedicated and determined; one who does things with great care 215 assimilate (V) to absorb or incorporate, to become like, or to adapt. 216 assonance (N) similarity of vowel sounds or repetition of vowels 217 assuage (V) to ease the pain, to soothe, or to pacify. 218 astral (ADJ) related to stars or star-like. 219 astringent (ADJ) having a harsh or biting quality; bitter or sharp. 220 astronomical (ADJ) related to astronomy; it also means extremely large in numbers or quantities. 221 astute (ADJ) very clever, smart and perceptive. 222 asunder (ADJ) cut apart or being apart in direction or position. 223 asylum (N) a place that offers safety; a hospital or sanctuary 224 atheistic (ADJ) related to a disbelief in God, or rejecting God's existence. 225 atone (V) to reconcile or make up for a mistake. 226 atrocity (N) a horrible, violent or cruel act. 227 atrophy (N) wasting away, especially of body tissue, muscle, or organ. 228 attenuate (V) to weaken or to lessen the severity, intensity, or value of something. 229 attest (V) to declare or show that something is true. 230 attrition (N) wearing away, a normal loss of workers or members by retirement or dying. 231 atypical (ADJ) not typical or characteristic. 232 audacious (ADJ) courageous, or having a devil-may-care attitude. 233 auditory (ADJ) having to do with hearing. 234 audit (N) an examination of financial records for a person or business. 235 augment (V) to increase, to grow, or to intensify. 236 augury (N) a foretelling of the future, a prediction, or the ability to tell the future. 237 aureole (N) a ring of light often like a halo. 238 auspicious (ADJ) of good omen for the future, favorable or promising. 239 austere (ADJ) having a severe or stern look and manner. 240 authoritarian (ADJ) believing in, relating to, or enforcing unquestioning obedience to authority. 241 authoritative (ADJ) truthful, reliable, or having expert knowledge. 242 autocratic (ADJ) having unlimited or absolute authority. 243 automaton (N) a machine designed to work automatically by following a predetermined actions, a robot. 244 autopsy (N) to an examination of a dead body, or any detailed inspection. 245 auxiliary (ADJ) giving help or aid, reserve 246 avarice (N) greed or have an excessive desire for wealth. 247 avenge (V) to get revenge for an injury or wrongdoing. 248 aversion (N) an extreme dislike for something, or a strong reaction against something 249 avert (V) to turn away from or to keep from happening. 250 aver (V) to state positively or declare to be true. 251 aviary (N) a place where birds are kept. 252 avocation (N) to any activity that is done in addition to one's regular work, usually for enjoyment. 253 avuncular (ADJ) of or like an uncle. 254 awe (N) a feeling of amazement, fear, admiration and/or respect. 255 axiom (N) something that's generally accepted as true or self-evident 256 bacchanalian (ADJ) related to a drunken festival or wild partying. 257 badger (V) to bother or to nag. 258 badinage (N) playful conversation or speak in a witty manner 259 baffle (V) to confuse or frustrate someone. 260 baleful (ADJ) harmful, threatening, evil in effect or intent. 261 balk (V) to refuse to do something, to stop short of something 262 ballast (N) anything heavy carried in a ship, airplane or vehicle in order to give stability. 263 ballyhoo (N) loud talk or a noisy uproar. 264 balmy (ADJ) pleasant, soothing, or mild. 265 banal (ADJ) ordinary, common place or unoriginal. 266 bandy (V) to throw or pass back and forth. 267 bane (N) something that cause deadly harm or ruin. 268 bantering (ADJ) funny in tone or attitude, joking. 269 barb (N) a spike, a sharp point, or a mean comment or remark. 270 bard (N) someone who writes poems, a poet. 271 barrage (N) an unending attack, a bombing, or an overwhelming outpouring. 272 barren (ADJ) unfruitful, lifeless, or unable to produce. 273 barricade (N) a barrier thrown up quickly for defense. 274 barterer (N) a person who does business by trading goods without using money 275 bask (V) to relax in warmth or be satisfied. 276 bastion (N) a fortified place of strong defense. 277 bauble (N) a pretty but cheap ornament; the scepter carried by a court jester 278 bawdy (ADJ) funny but indecent, or vulgar humor. 279 beam (N) a long piece of wood, metal, or other material used mainly to support weight 280 beatific (ADJ) making someone or something blissful, blessed, or pure. 281 beatitude (N) a state of perfect happiness or being blessed. 282 bedizen (V) to dress or decorate in a cheap, showy way. 283 bedlam (N) a scene of great confusion and wildness or great uproar 284 bedraggle (V) to make wet, limp and dirty. 285 beeline (N) a straight line or direct route. 286 befuddle (V) to confuse someone. 287 beget (V) to to produce, to cause, to lead to. 288 begrudge (V) to feel ill will or to regard someone or something with displeasure or resentment. 289 beguile (V) to deceive. 290 behemoth (N) something that is extremely large and powerful. 291 behest (N) an order, a directive or a strong request. 292 beleaguer (V) to harass, to bother. 293 belie (V) to tell lies, to misrepresent, or to prove false. 294 belittle (V) to criticize or mock in order to make someone or something seem less important. 295 bellicose (ADJ) warlike, ready to attack or eager to fight. 296 belligerent (ADJ) hostile, inclined to fight, or aggressive. 297 bemoan (V) to express grief about someone or something. 298 bemused (ADJ) puzzled or confused. 299 benediction (N) a blessing or good wishes. 300 beneficiary (N) someone who benefits from something. 301 benevolent (ADJ) kind, good-hearted, or generous. 302 benign (ADJ) good-natured and kindly; causing no harm. 303 bent (ADJ) determined, committed and eager 304 bequeath (V) to hand down or to leave to another through a last will and testament. 305 berate (V) to attack verbally, to criticize or scold strongly. 306 bereave (TRV) to deprive someone of something and leave in sad or lonely state 307 bereft (ADJ) to be deprived of something. 308 berserk (ADJ) in a state of violent or destructive rage. 309 beseech (V) to beg or plead for something. 310 beset (V) to cover, attack, or surround on all sides. 311 besiege (V) to surround with armed force. 312 besmirch (V) to soil or to bring dishonor to someone or something. 313 bestial (ADJ) behaving like a beast. 314 bestow (V) to give or present as a gift. 315 betray (V) to help an enemy, to disclose secret information or reveal unknowingly. 316 bias (N) prejudice or tendency; it can also mean a diagonal direction. 317 bicameral (ADJ) a legislative body with two branches or houses 318 bicker (V) to have a silly fight or to argue over unimportant things 319 bilious (ADJ) being bad-tempered or feeling ill; it can refer to someone suffering from liver disease. 320 bilk (V) to cheat or to trick someone. 321 billowing (ADJ) flowing in a large mass. 322 bivouac (N) a temporary encampment or shelter, often out in the open. 323 bizarre (ADJ) very strange or odd. 324 blanch (V) to whiten, to lose color or bleach. 325 bland (ADJ) pleasantly mild and soothing, not sharp or harsh; it also means tasteless or flavorless. 326 blare (N) a loud noise 327 blase (ADJ) feeling or acting bored after having experienced something to excess. 328 blasphemy (N) any disrespectful remark or action against God or religion. 329 blatant (ADJ) conspicuous, often to the point of being offensive. 330 blazon (V) to announce, or display ostentatiously, or to describe a coat of arms 331 bleak (ADJ) bare, cold, and gloomy. 332 blighted (ADJ) injured or diseased. 333 bloated (ADJ) swollen or puffed up; it can also refer to a swelling in the abdomen, usually due to liquid. 334 bludgeon (N) a club. 335 bluff (ADJ) bold, outspoken or blunt. 336 blunder (N) a clumsy or careless move or a foolish or stupid mistake. 337 blurt (V) to say something quickly without thinking. 338 bluster (V) to blow in loud gusts. 339 bogus (ADJ) fake or not real. 340 bohemian (ADJ) artistic, unconventional, often itinerant. 341 boisterous (ADJ) very noisy and wild. 342 bolster (V) to support or to strengthen. 343 bombardment (N) an attack with artillery. 344 bombastic (ADJ) to be characterized by grand, dramatic gestures, inflated and overblown. 345 bona fide (ADJ) genuine or something done in good faith. 346 booming (ADJ) very active, busy or loud. 347 boon (N) something to be thankful for or something that is asked for. 348 boorish (ADJ) behaving in a rude manner. 349 booty (N) anything good taken by force or robbery. 350 botch (V) to do something carelessly or clumsily. 351 bountiful (ADJ) unusually large, or giving freely and generously. 352 bourgeois (ADJ) wanting material things. 353 bovine (ADJ) like a cow; slow and dull 354 boycott (V) to refuse to buy, sell, or use something as a means of punishment. 355 braggart (N) a person who is cocky and brags a lot. 356 brandish (V) to wave, shake, or show in a challenging way. 357 bravado (N) a pretense of courage as well as arrogant behavior. 358 brawn (N) strong, well-developed muscles. 359 brazen (ADJ) bold and unashamed, or extremely cocky. 360 breach (N) a break or tear; it also means failure to follow the terms of an agreement. 361 breadth (N) general size, scope, distance from side to side, or the extent of something. 362 brevity (N) shortness, conciseness. 363 brindled (ADJ) gray with dark spots, a spotty pattern. 364 bristling (ADJ) angry and offended. 365 brittle (ADJ) easily broken or shattered, or being hard and inflexible. 366 broach (V) to mention, to suggest or to introduce something as a topic of conversation 367 bromide (N) a cliche, boring or ordinary statement that is repeated often 368 brooch (N) a piece of jewelry that attaches to a shirt with a pin or a decorative clasp. 369 brouhaha (N) turmoil, heated confrontation or huge fight over something small 370 browbeat (V) to bully, to pressure someone into doing something or to intimidate. 371 browse (V) to look casually at something, to look without a clear purpose. 372 brunt (N) the full force of something. 373 brusque (ADJ) rough and abrupt in manner or speech. 374 buccaneer (N) a pirate. 375 bucolic (ADJ) being related to the countryside or a rural area. 376 buffet (V) to hit with violent blows, to punch or slap. 377 buffet (V) to hit with violent blows, to punch or slap. 378 buffoonery (N) something that's ridiculous and funny but can be seen as rude or embarrassing. 379 bullion (N) gold or silver in the form of bars or coins. 380 bulwark (N) a structure that acts as a defense, something that protects from outside danger. 381 bumptious (ADJ) cocky, self-important. 382 bungalow (N) a small, one-storey house. 383 bungle (V) to make a mess of something or to do something awkwardly and ineptly 384 buoyant (ADJ) tending to float or rise in liquid or in air; it can also mean having a light and cheerful spirit. 385 burgeon (V) to grow rapidly, multiply and bloom. 386 burlesque (V) to imitate in a comical or mocking manner, or to parody. 387 burly (ADJ) large-bodied, big and husky. 388 burnish (V) to make something shiny. 389 bustle (V) to move about in a busy manner. 390 bustle (V) to move about in a busy manner. 391 buttress (V) to support or reinforce something, often with brick, wood, or stone. 392 buxom (ADJ) healthy, plump, and jolly. 393 byzantine (ADJ) characteristic of the ancient Byzantine Empire; complex. 394 cadaver (N) a dead body 395 cajole (V) to persuade with flattery or sweet talk. 396 callous (ADJ) indifferent or insensitive to other people's feelings 397 calorific (ADJ) something or someone who produces heat. 398 camaraderie (N) loyalty and friendship among a group of people. 399 candid (ADJ) honest in what one writes or says. 400 candor (N) the straight-forward, or quality of being fair, honest, and frank. 401 cantankerous (ADJ) cranky, unpleasant or hard to get along with. 402 canter (N) to the movement of a horse that is slower than a gallop but faster than a trot 403 capacity (N) the ability to contain, absorb or hold; the content or volume of something; a specific role. 404 captious (ADJ) objecting to something or being critical of something. 405 careen (V) to sway or lurch sideways, especially while moving rapidly. 406 carnal (ADJ) related to the body as opposed to the spiritual; it also means having to do with sexual experience. 407 castigate (V) to criticize or punish severely, especially to correct a behavior. 408 cataclysm (N) a disaster, great upheaval that causes sudden and often violent changes. 409 categorical (ADJ) absolute, direct, without conditions. 410 catharsis (N) a release of tensions or purifying of the emotions. 411 catholic (ADJ) universal, of a general scope or wide-ranging. 412 caucus (N) a meeting of leaders to decide on policy, pick candidates, etc. 413 causal (ADJ) relating to cause and effect. 414 cavalcade (N) a procession such as of horsemen and carriages. 415 cavil (V) to complain, to find fault unnecessarily 416 celibate (ADJ) related to avoidance of sexual activities, or unmarried. 417 chafe (V) to wear away by rubbing or to warm by rubbing; it also means to irritate or annoy. 418 chaff (N) waste or debris; the word can also be used as a verb, meaning to tease good-naturedly. 419 chagrin (N) a feeling of embarrassment and annoyance. 420 chary (ADJ) being very careful about danger. 421 chastise (V) to discipline, to criticize sharply, or to scold. 422 chauvinist (ADJ) one who has extreme devotion to one�s gender, race, country, etc. 423 chimerical (ADJ) imaginary, fantastic, or absurd. 424 choleric (ADJ) having or showing a quick temper, irritable. 425 churlish (ADJ) one who is mean and rude or grumpy. 426 chutzpah (N) shameless boldness, arrogance and nerve. 427 circumlocution (N) wordiness, a way of speaking that uses too many words. 428 clamber (V) to climb with effort, usually clumsily. 429 clamor (N) a loud noise or outcry such as a shout, demand, or complaint. 430 cliche (N) an idea that's been repeated too much. 431 cloy (V) to sicken with too much of something that is usually pleasing. 432 coagulate (V) to thicken into a mass; to clot. 433 coerce (V) to force or compel someone to do something. 434 coiffure (N) a way of styling the hair, hairstyle. 435 commandeer (V) to take something by force or to force someone into military service. 436 commensurate (ADJ) to be proportionate to in size or correspond in extent. 437 commiserate (V) to sympathize with, to show sorrow for, or to offer condolences. 438 commodious (ADJ) offering plenty of room or space. 439 commodity (N) a useful item or product for sale. 440 complacent (ADJ) being self-satisfied and uncritically pleased with one's circumstances. 441 complaisant (ADJ) willing to please or oblige. 442 compliant (ADJ) tending to obey. 443 comport (V) to conduct oneself in a particular way; it also means to agree or be appropriate. 444 concerted (ADJ) mutually arranged or agreed upon; coordinated. 445 conciliatory (ADJ) making peace or attempting to solve a dispute through goodwill. 446 concise (ADJ) brief and to the point. 447 conclusion (N) the end, last part, or finish. 448 concomitant (ADJ) existing along with something else, accompanying, or associating with it. 449 congenial (ADJ) agreeable in tastes and temperament. 450 congruent (ADJ) being consistent or in agreement. 451 connubial (ADJ) the state of being married. 452 conscript (V) to force into service for the government or to enroll in the armed forces. 453 considerate (ADJ) having feelings for others and their feelings, being thoughtful. 454 consign (TRV) to give something to another. 455 consternation (N) a great fear or shock causing helplessness. 456 contrite (ADJ) remorseful, sorry or regretful. 457 contumely (N) an act or statement that offends someone�s pride or sense of dignity; harsh treatment. 458 conviction (N) a strong belief in something, or a determination. 459 convivial (ADJ) being fun-loving, festive or joyful. 460 cooperation (N) a joint effort toward a common purpose. 461 cornucopia (N) abundance or a large amount of something. 462 correlation (N) a relationship between two things. 463 cower (V) to shrink or tremble from fear. 464 cow (V) to make one timid by filling with fear or to frighten. 465 coy (ADJ) behaving in a shy manner, hesitant to reveal information. It also means to be flirtatious. 466 craven (ADJ) very cowardly or fearful. 467 credulous (ADJ) tending to believe too readily, or easily convinced. 468 crestfallen (ADJ) disappointed, disheartened or feeling low. 469 cryptic (ADJ) being hidden or having a mysterious or obscure meaning. 470 cultivate (V) to grow crops or prepare the soil for growing something; to nurture. 471 cumbersome (ADJ) hard to handle or deal with due to size or weight. 472 cynosure (N) a person or a thing that is the center of attention. 473 dabble (V) to do something lightly, superficially, or not seriously. 474 dapper (ADJ) very neatly and fashionably dressed 475 debase (V) to lower in value, quality, character or dignity. 476 debauch (V) to corrupt, or lead away from morals. 477 debilitate (V) to weaken, to sicken or to harm. 478 decimate (TRV) to destroy something thoroughly. 479 delirious (ADJ) suffering from extreme mental excitement or being extremely confused. 480 deluge (N) an overwhelming amount of something. 481 demote (V) to reduce to a lower grade or rank. 482 denounce (V) to speak out against or to condemn. 483 depravity (N) evil, wickedness, or corruption. 484 deride (V) to laugh at or make fun of someone or something. 485 derivative (ADJ) created from another source or unoriginal. 486 descry (V) to look over or to discover by searching hard. 487 determination (N) firm intention or purpose, or the act of coming to a conclusion or decision. 488 devoid (ADJ) empty or lacking. 489 diatribe (N) a harsh verbal attack, sharp criticism or rant. 490 dichotomy (N) a division into two parts, groups, or halves. 491 diction (N) a way of speaking, including choice of words, pronunciation, and so on. 492 dictum (N) an authoritative pronouncement; a popular saying 493 differentiate (V) to understand, distinguish, or identify differences in or between things. 494 diffident (ADJ) being shy or lacking self-confidence. 495 diffuse (ADJ) scattered across a wide area, broadly distributed. 496 digress (TRV) to go off the main point, usually while doing something or speaking. 497 dilettante (N) an amateur, usually in connection with the arts. 498 diligent (ADJ) tending to do something with careful and steady effort. 499 din (N) very loud noise or confusing sounds. 500 discernment (N) keen observation, perception or judgment. 501 discord (N) disagreement or conflict; it can also means a harsh noise. 502 discourse (N) a formal discussion about a subject, like a speech, sermon, or long written work. 503 distend (V) to grow larger, to expand. 504 diverse (ADJ) varied and different. 505 divert (V) to change course or direction, or to distract someone�s attention. 506 doff (V) to take off clothes; it also means to lift a hat in a greeting. 507 dolt (N) someone who is stupid or dense. 508 don (V) to put on a garment or other item of clothing 509 dossier (N) a file, usually documents or records about someone. 510 dotard (N) an old or feeble person, often one who is foolish. 511 drawl (V) to speak slowly, especially by drawing out the vowels. 512 droll (ADJ) amusing in an odd way. 513 dross (N) the waste or impurities removed from refined metal; inferior or a trivial matter 514 dubious (ADJ) doubtful or questionable 515 eccentric (ADJ) unusual or extraordinary. 516 edifying (ADJ) enlightening, uplifting, instructive and inspiring. 517 efface (V) to rub out, erase, or damage. 518 effect (N) something that is brought about or produced, such as a result or an outcome. 519 effect (N) something that is brought about or produced, such as a result or an outcome. 520 efficacious (ADJ) producing a desired effect or having the intended result. 521 elaborate (ADJ) developed in great detail. 522 elucidate (V) to make clear or to explain effectively. 523 elusive (ADJ) hard to catch, or mysterious and vague. 524 emanate (V) to derive or to originate 525 embellish (V) to decorate or improve using small details; it also means to add imaginary details to a story. 526 emend (V) to correct text, usually a scholarly text. 527 emollient (N) something that soothes the skin, like a lotion or cream 528 emollient (N) something that soothes the skin, like a lotion or cream 529 emulate (V) to try to equal by imitating or copying. 530 encomium (N) formal praise. 531 endeavor (N) a difficult effort, a tough challenge. 532 endemic (ADJ) native to a particular area. 533 endow (TRV) to give or provide something. 534 engaging (ADJ) attractive or pleasant. 535 enhance (V) to increase or improve something, such as cost, value, or attractiveness. 536 enigma (N) a riddle or a hard to solve problem. 537 ensign (N) a banner or a flag. It also means a Navy officer. 538 enthrall (V) to hold someone�s attention, to fascinate. 539 epigram (N) a short poem or statement that's clever or amusing. 540 epistemology (N) the philosophical study of knowledge itself. 541 epitaph (N) an inscription on a tomb or gravestone in memory of the person buried there. 542 eschew (V) to give up or avoid something. 543 esoteric (ADJ) understood by only a few. 544 esprit (N) liveliness of mind and expression 545 espy (V) to see from a distance or to spy something far away. 546 estrange (V) to turn one�s affections away from another person; it also means to remove or to keep apart. 547 euphemism (N) a mild-sounding word or phrase to describe something that's actually much worse. 548 excessive (ADJ) more than enough or being too much or too great. 549 exegesis (N) the interpretation of a text; explanation of religious, legal or literary work 550 exemplar (N) a model, something deserving to be imitated. 551 exemplify (V) to demonstrate or show by example. 552 exhaustive (ADJ) leaving nothing out, covering every detail. 553 exhort (V) to urge with strong advice or warning. 554 existential (ADJ) related to existence. 555 expedite (V) to speed up or make progress. 556 expound (V) to explain in great detail, to discuss at length. 557 extirpate (TRV) to destroy or get rid of something. 558 extol (V) to praise highly or admire. 559 extraneous (ADJ) coming from the outside; unnecessary. 560 extraterrestrial (ADJ) existing or originating outside the limits of earth's atmosphere 561 extrovert (N) a person who is outgoing and social. 562 facilitate (TRV) to enable something or make it easier. 563 fallacious (ADJ) erroneous, misleading or deceptive. 564 fathom (V) to understand thoroughly or to measure the depth of something 565 faulty (ADJ) having a fault; defective, imperfect. 566 feign (V) to pretend, imagine, or make up such as a story or excuse. 567 fetter (V) to chain or tie up., to restrict 568 fickle (ADJ) changeable in interest, loyalty, affection, etc. 569 finesse (N) delicate skillfulness or the ability to handle situations skillfully or diplomatically. 570 flabbergast (V) to make one speechless with astonishment or amazement. 571 flagrant (ADJ) obvious and deliberate. 572 flaunt (TRV) to show off proudly, arrogantly, or defiantly. 573 fledgling (ADJ) new or inexperienced. 574 flourish (V) to grow in a healthy way, to thrive, or to succeed. 575 fluke (N) a chance occurrence, usually in a positive way. 576 foppish (ADJ) affecting extreme elegance in dressing, usually describing a man. 577 forestall (V) to prevent or hinder by doing something ahead of time. 578 forfeit (TRV) to give up or lose the use of something. 579 forthright (ADJ) straightforward, direct, or frank. 580 fret (V) to worry, annoy, or eat away at. 581 frivolous (ADJ) of little value or importance. 582 fulminate (V) to explode suddenly or violently; it also means to shout forth criticism. 583 furtive (ADJ) secretive or hidden. 584 fusillade (N) a number of shots fired, usually at the same time. 585 futile (ADJ) that which could not succeed despite great effort. 586 gaffe (N) a blunder or a mistake which results in an awkward situation. 587 garish (ADJ) tastelessly showy 588 garrulous (ADJ) talkative and irritating. 589 gauche (ADJ) crude or lacking grace. 590 generosity (N) a quality of being willing to share or give, or being unselfish. 591 girder (N) a large support beam, usually supporting the framework of a building or a bridge. 592 girth (N) a measurement around, such as a waist; it is also a part of the saddle equipment for a horse 593 glib (ADJ) speaking without thinking or concern; to speak casually. 594 gloat (V) to show mean-spirited happiness, to be happy about someone's bad luck or misfortune. 595 glutton (N) a greedy eater, or someone who has a large capacity to absorb. 596 gouge (TRV) to cut or scoop out. 597 grandiose (ADJ) grand or affectedly grand 598 grapple (V) to struggle with or hold on tightly to something. 599 gravity (N) seriousness or heaviness. 600 grill (V) to question relentlessly; it also means to cook over a flame. 601 grovel (V) to plead, beg or act humbly in a false way. 602 guile (N) slyness or cunning in dealing with others. 603 gullible (ADJ) naive, easily deceived or cheated. 604 hackneyed (ADJ) made clich� by overuse, worn out. 605 haggle (V) to bargain or negotiate, such as prices, terms, conditions, etc. 606 hap (N) fortune or an occurrence 607 harangue (N) a long, blustering speech or a rant. 608 harass (V) to annoy or disturb in an unpleasant way. 609 hebetic (ADJ) occurring at or relating to puberty. 610 hedonistic (ADJ) one who is self-indulgent, seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. 611 heedless (ADJ) unaware or paying little attention to conditions or circumstances 612 heed (V) to pay close attention to; to take notice of. 613 herald (N) an announcer of important news or a messenger. 614 heresy (N) a belief that is opposed to the orthodox or established views and opinions. 615 hermetic (ADJ) totally sealed; enclosed 616 heterodoxy (N) being outside of the accepted belief or established doctrine. 617 hew (V) to cut with heavy blows. 618 hierarchy (N) an organization with people or things arranged in different ranks. 619 hieroglyphics (N) ancient Egyptian writing, usually in the form of pictures. 620 hindrance (N) an obstacle, barrier or difficulty that prevents progress. 621 histrionic (ADJ) overly dramatic or over-acting. 622 hoard (V) to store something away for future use without sharing it. 623 hoary (ADJ) gray with age, very old 624 homeopathy (N) a method of treating diseases with minute doses of drugs 625 hypothesis (N) an educated guess. 626 hypothetical (ADJ) based on an unproven theory. 627 iconoclast (N) someone who attacks others� religious beliefs or images. 628 identify (TRV) to recognize, to classify, or to distinguish. 629 idyllic (ADJ) pleasing, peaceful, or picturesque. 630 illustrate (V) to make clear, such as with examples, comparisons, drawings, etc. 631 immutable (ADJ) never changing or varying. 632 impale (V) to pierce or keep something in place with something sharp and pointed. 633 impartial (ADJ) not favoring anyone; without prejudice. 634 impasse (N) a deadlock, a road with no exit 635 impious (ADJ) lacking proper respect (for God or religion etc). 636 implacable (ADJ) unable to be eased or appeased. 637 imply (V) to suggest without saying so directly. 638 improvident (ADJ) failing to provide for the future; incautious 639 inadvertent (ADJ) unintentional or accidental. 640 inborn (ADJ) existing from birth, inherited. 641 incoherent (ADJ) not logically connected, often in speech or thought. 642 incongruous (ADJ) lacking harmony or agreement, or being absurd. 643 inculcate (V) to teach by forceful repetition. 644 indelible (ADJ) permanent, lasting or unforgettable 645 independence (N) freedom from influence, control, or determination of others. 646 indifferent (ADJ) having no interest, concern, or preference. 647 indolence (N) disliking or avoiding work; idleness, laziness. 648 indomitable (ADJ) not easily defeated or discouraged, or invincible. 649 indulgent (ADJ) generous and understanding, often to excess; lenient. 650 ineluctable (ADJ) inescapable, something that can't be avoided. 651 inevitable (ADJ) that which cannot be avoided, certain to happen. 652 infamous (ADJ) recognized or well-known, having a very bad reputation, notorious. 653 iniquitous (ADJ) grossly improper, unjust or wicked. 654 innate (ADJ) existing naturally, often from birth. 655 innocuous (ADJ) not causing injury or harm, it can also mean not being controversial or offensive. 656 innovate (V) to introduce new methods, devices, systems, etc. 657 innumerable (ADJ) too many to be counted, numerous. 658 inscrutable (ADJ) difficult to understand, unreadable 659 instigate (V) to cause or start an action, often to some evil end; to set off. 660 insular (ADJ) standing alone or isolated; it also means provincial and narrow-minded. 661 interregnum (N) a period of time or break between two successive governments. 662 intimate (N) someone who is a close friend. 663 intractable (ADJ) hard to manage or stubborn. 664 inured (ADJ) being used to something difficult or painful. 665 invective (N) an insult or sharp and nasty criticism. 666 inveigle (V) to persuade someone with kind words, to flatter to get something you want. 667 inveterate (ADJ) firmly rooted due to old habit or long practice. 668 invidious (ADJ) extremely unpleasant or offensive. 669 invigorate (V) to fill with energy or to enliven. 670 inviolable (ADJ) secure from harm, safe from danger, or something that can't be crossed. 671 invocation (N) request to God or spirit for help or protection. 672 invulnerable (ADJ) very secure, something that can't be hurt. 673 iota (N) a very small amount, extremely small quantity. 674 irascible (ADJ) easily angered or quick-tempered. 675 irate (ADJ) angry or extremely upset. 676 irreverence (N) disrespect. 677 itinerant (ADJ) traveling around or migrant. 678 jaded (ADJ) worn out; made insensitive by excess. 679 jaundiced (ADJ) affected by negative feelings or being prejudiced or biased. 680 jaunty (ADJ) buoyantly self-confident or dapper 681 jaunt (N) a short trip for pleasure. 682 jeer (V) to laugh at in an insulting way; to mock someone. 683 jeopardy (N) great danger or threat. 684 jettison (V) to throw overboard or to get rid of things so as to achieve stability in a vessel or aircraft. 685 jingoist (N) someone who shows extreme nationalism. 686 jocose (ADJ) playful or humorous 687 jostle (V) to come in contact with someone on purpose or deliberately. 688 jubilant (ADJ) triumphant or thrilled 689 judicious (ADJ) having good judgment or being balanced and wise. 690 juncture (N) a place where two things join or come together. 691 jut (V) to protrude or to stick out past the ordinary limit 692 kindle (V) to build or light a fire, to inspire, or to become bright 693 knead (V) to fold and mold a soft mass. 694 knell (N) the ominous sound of a bell or a signal of disaster 695 labyrinth (N) a maze or a confusing network of passages. 696 laceration (N) a deep cut or wound. 697 lachrymose (ADJ) causing or inclined to shed tears. 698 lackluster (ADJ) lacking in brightness, energy or vitality. 699 laconic (ADJ) brief with words, concise or something said with few words. 700 laggard (N) one who is slow and falls behind or a slowpoke. 701 lampoon (V) to make fun of or to mock. 702 languish (V) to lose vigor and vitality, to become weak. 703 languor (N) a lack of energy, lack of interest or spirit. 704 lap (V) to drink liquid, usually by dipping it up with one?s tongue. 705 lassitude (N) feeling of being tired, or weariness of mind or body; it also means a condition of indifference. 706 laudable (ADJ) worthy of being praised or honored. 707 lavish (ADJ) occurring in great amounts; it also means generous in giving or spending. 708 lax (ADJ) loose or relaxed; it can also mean careless. 709 leaven (V) to lighten and/or cause to rise. 710 leery (ADJ) cautious, skeptical or attentive. 711 legerdemain (N) sleight of hand, trickery, or manipulation. 712 lethargy (N) a great lack of energy, sluggishness or dullness. 713 leverage (N) an increased means of accomplishing a purpose with increased influence 714 levitate (V) to hover or cause to rise and float in the air. 715 levity (N) lightheartedness or cheer. 716 lexicographer (N) one who writes or compiles a dictionary. 717 libel (N) a false statement written out of a desire to damage someone's reputation. 718 limber (ADJ) flexible or being able to bend one's body easily. 719 limpid (ADJ) perfectly clear, transparent, or unclouded. 720 linchpin (N) a pin that attaches the wheel to the axle; it also means a vital element. 721 lithe (ADJ) being easily bendable or flexible. 722 litigant (N) someone involved in a lawsuit. 723 loll (V) to lean or lounge in a relaxed manner. 724 lugubrious (ADJ) deeply sad and gloomy in an exaggerated way. 725 lumen (N) a unit of measure for the flow of light. 726 macerate (V) to soften or break down into parts, usually by soaking in a liquid. 727 mace (N) an ancient weapon with a spiked ball on one end, also a ceremonial staff. 728 machinations (N) secret plots or schemes, usually with evil intent. 729 magnanimous (ADJ) very generous and kind. 730 magnate (N) an influential person in a specific field, especially in business. 731 maim (V) to cause severe injury or hurt. 732 malcontent (ADJ) someone who is discontented or rebellious. 733 malfeasance (N) wrongdoing or misconduct, specially by a public figure. 734 malicious (ADJ) having or showing ill will, wicked. 735 malleable (ADJ) able to be hammered, pounded, or pressed into shapes without breaking. 736 mandate (N) an authoritative command or order. 737 manifesto (N) a public declaration of motives and intentions by a government, person, or group. 738 manifest (V) to make clear or evident, to reveal, or to appear. 739 manumit (V) to set free, as from slavery 740 marginal (ADJ) being on the outer or lower limits, borderline. 741 marred (ADJ) damaged or disfigured, so as to make less attractive or less perfect. 742 martial (ADJ) warlike or military. 743 masochist (ADJ) one who receives pleasure from being dominated, mistreated, or hurt physically. 744 masquerade (V) to act or live under a false pretense, to disguise yourself. 745 matriarch (N) a woman who rules her family or tribe; it can also mean a highly respected elderly woman. 746 maul (V) to injure by beating or tearing. 747 maverick (N) someone who takes an independent stand; a wild, unbranded animal that has strayed. 748 mawkish (ADJ) emotional to the point of being unpleasant. 749 meander (V) to take a winding or aimless course. 750 meddlesome (ADJ) being inclined to interfere or tamper with something or someone. 751 mediate (V) to help resolve a dispute between two opposing sides. 752 mediocrity (N) the condition of being ordinary, or of medium performance or ability 753 medium (N) a substance or element through which something is transmitted or traveled; in the middle. 754 meek (ADJ) submissive, lacking initiatives; mild in nature. 755 melancholy (ADJ) causing sadness or feeling of depression. 756 mellifluous (ADJ) like honey, sweet and smooth. 757 menagerie (N) a collection of wild or exotic animals kept for exhibition; or an unusual and varied group. 758 mendicant (N) a person who lives by begging. 759 menial (ADJ) fit for servants, basic, or low. 760 mercenary (ADJ) working for payment only or motivated by a desire for money. 761 merger (N) the combining or joining of two or more entities. 762 mesmerize (V) to hypnotize, captivate, or spellbind. 763 metaphor (N) a word or phrase that draws a comparison between two unlike things. 764 metaphysics (N) the branch of philosophy that seeks to explain the nature of being or reality. 765 mete (V) to give out (by measure) something as punishment. 766 meticulous (ADJ) extremely or excessively careful about details. 767 mettle (N) an inherent quality of character or courage 768 mien (N) one�s bearing or manner, attitude. 769 migratory (ADJ) to animals or other creatures that move from place to place. 770 milieu (N) cultural and social surroundings, environment. 771 mimic (TRV) to imitate or copy something else. 772 minion (N) an employee, hireling, or subordinate 773 minutiae (N) small or relatively unimportant details. 774 mirth (N) joyfulness or merriment, especially when characterized by laughter. 775 misanthrope (N) someone who hates other people. 776 misapprehension (N) the wrong idea, a false impression, or misunderstanding. 777 miscellany (N) a miscellaneous collection or assortment. 778 misconstrue (V) to misunderstand or interpret incorrectly. 779 misdemeanor (N) any minor offense for which the punishment is typically a fine or short imprisonment. 780 mite (N) a small insect; a small bit 781 modicum (N) a small amount, a bit. 782 mollycoddle (N) an excessively pampered boy. 783 molt (V) to shed an outer covering, such as skin, feathers, etc. 784 momentous (ADJ) extremely important or significant 785 monolithic (ADJ) massive, solid and uniform in appearance 786 moratorium (N) an authorized suspension or stopping of some specific activity. 787 morbid (ADJ) gruesome or preoccupied with death. It can also mean extremely unhealthy 788 mores (N) actions, behaviors, or manners that are socially accepted without question. 789 moribund (ADJ) dying or coming to an end. 790 morose (ADJ) miserable, sad or gloomy. 791 mortify (V) to degrade or to cause to feel shame or humiliation. 792 motley (ADJ) containing a great variety such as being multi-colored. 793 mottled (ADJ) spotted. 794 mulct (V) to punish with a fine, or to swindle. 795 myriad (N) variety, a great number of things. 796 natty (ADJ) excessively neat and fashionable 797 necromancy (N) the contacting of dead spirits, usually to learn the future. 798 nest (V) to build or settle in a nest; to settle into a safe place. 799 nettle (V) to annoy, irritate, or anger someone. 800 neutral (ADJ) not taking part in either side of a dispute or quarrel, or a war. 801 niggling (ADJ) being overly concerned with or requiring great attention to small details 802 nirvana (N) a state of bliss, state of perfect calm or peace. 803 noisome (ADJ) disgusting, offensive, gross, or harmful. 804 non-sequitur (N) a statement that does not follow logically from evidence. 805 nonplus (V) to confuse or to puzzle. 806 nostalgia (N) a longing for something long ago or far away. 807 nostrum (N) a medicine of questionable value. 808 novel (ADJ) new and unusual, especially being the first of its kind, unique. 809 noxious (ADJ) harmful, upsetting or causing damage. 810 nubile (ADJ) young and sexually attractive, usually describing a female. 811 nullify (V) to cancel out or to void. 812 numismatist (N) a collector of coins or currencies for studying purposes or as a hobby. 813 oblique (ADJ) indirect or not straightforward. 814 obscure (ADJ) not easily understood, unclear. 815 obsequious (ADJ) excessively willing to yield; submissive. 816 obsolete (ADJ) no longer used, out of date; old-fashioned. 817 obtuse (ADJ) lacking in insight or intellect, or slow to comprehend. 818 obviate (V) to make unnecessary. 819 occur (V) to take place or happen; it also means to present itself or come to mind. 820 odyssey (N) a long series of travels and adventures. 821 officious (ADJ) overly eager to serve or to advise, usually in a bossy way. 822 ogle (V) to look at with great attention, often in an sexual way. 823 operetta (N) a light, amusing opera with spoken dialogue. 824 optimistic (ADJ) taking the most hopeful or positive view of matters or expecting the best outcome in a situation. 825 opulence (N) great wealth and luxury. 826 ordinate (ADJ) the arrangement of things in regular rows 827 ornate (ADJ) beautifully detailed, showy or decorated. 828 overt (ADJ) clearly evident or obvious 829 overwrought (ADJ) overworked or fatigued; it can also mean very nervous or excited. 830 palatable (ADJ) agreeable to the taste. 831 palliate (V) to bring some relief or comfort. 832 pallid (ADJ) unusually pale, weak, or lacking intensity or spirit 833 pall (V) to lose someone�s interest or attraction; to become no longer desirable. 834 palpitate (V) to beat rapidly, especially one�s heart. 835 panacea (N) a cure-all, a solution for everything. 836 panache (N) having a lot of style and flair. 837 pan (V) to criticize severely. 838 paradigm (N) a model or a set of beliefs. 839 paragon (N) an example of excellence, a positive model. 840 parley (N) negotiation with the enemy. 841 parochial (ADJ) related to a local church; it also means narrow or limited in scope 842 particular (N) pertaining to a specific person, thing, out of the ordinary, or unusual. 843 peccadillo (N) a minor or petty offense, or a slight fault. 844 pedestrian (N) someone who is going on foot or walking. 845 penury (N) severe poverty. 846 perennial (N) a plant that lives all seasons or for several years. 847 perfunctory (ADJ) mechanical, unthinking, having little interest. 848 perplex (TrV) to confuse or puzzle. 849 perquisite (N) a special privilege, or perk. 850 perseverance (N) a quality of being determined or showing steady persistence. 851 philanthropy (N) a desire to help humankind through charity. 852 pious (ADJ) having or showing religious devotion. 853 pivotal (ADJ) essential or critical, on which something depends. 854 pluck (V) to pick or pull on something. 855 practitioner (N) a person who practices a profession, art, craft, etc. 856 preclude (TRV) to make something impossible, usually in advance, shut out. 857 precursor (N) something that comes before. 858 predecessor (N) a person or thing that comes before another, such as an ancestor or forerunner 859 predilection (N) having a preference or liking for someone or something. 860 preen (V) to groom oneself excessively. 861 prelude (N) the introduction to a main event, performance, or action. 862 primitive (ADJ) ancient, original, primary, or basic. 863 probable (ADJ) likely to occur or to be; something that is reasonable but not proven. 864 prodigal (N) a person who wastes his money and means. 865 prodigious (ADJ) of great size, power, or extent. 866 prodigy (N) a person, thing, or act that is extraordinary, usually a talent or genius. 867 produce (V) to make or manufacture, to create, or to cause. 868 profuse (ADJ) plentiful or generous. 869 prompt (TRV) to cause something to happen, provoke or trigger. 870 propensity (N) a natural tendency to something, inclination or bias. 871 propriety (N) the quality of being proper, acceptable, or decent. 872 provocative (ADJ) stimulating, as in provoking an action, thought, or feeling. 873 proximity (N) the state of closeness in space, time, etc. 874 prudent (ADJ) using good judgment in practical matters. 875 purist (N) one who follows strict, often formal, rules and observances. 876 purloin (V) to take something that isn�t yours, to steal. 877 putrefy (V) to spoil, to become rotten. 878 quack (N) someone who pretends to have knowledge or skill that he or she does not really have. 879 quagmire (N) a difficult position; it can also mean wet, boggy ground. 880 quail (V) to shake and tremble with fear. 881 quaint (ADJ) charmingly old-fashioned or unusual in character. 882 quandary (N) an uncertain and confusing situation or position. 883 quarantine (N) an isolation or restriction placed upon individuals or things so to stop a disease from spreading. 884 quasi (ADJ) having some similarities; it is often hyphenated as a prefix to a noun, adjective, or adverb. 885 queasy (ADJ) causing or being affected by nausea or feeling discomfort. 886 quell (V) to put an end to or to quiet something. 887 quiescent (ADJ) to become quiet or still. 888 quintessence (N) the pure, concentrated essence of anything or the most perfect quality of a thing. 889 quirk (N) a peculiar trait or mannerism; it can also mean a sudden twist or turn. 890 quixotic (ADJ) extravagantly romantic, or foolishly idealistic or unrealistic. 891 quizzical (ADJ) odd, comical, or puzzling. 892 quorum (N) the minimum number of members required to be present at a meeting. 893 rabid (ADJ) fanatical, violent, or extremely expressive 894 raconteur (N) a person skilled at telling stories and anecdotes. 895 ramification (N) the result, effect, or consequence derived from an action, statement, decision, etc. 896 ramify (V) to divide or spread out into branches or branchlike divisions. 897 rampant (ADJ) spreading or growing uncontrollably; it also means being violent in action, speech, or manner. 898 rampart (N) an elevated fortification and protection 899 rapacious (ADJ) taking by force or living on captured prey. 900 rapport (N) a close relationship or agreement; a friendship. 901 rapture (N) a state of great joy and pleasure or overwhelming emotion. 902 rapt (ADJ) carried away by or completely absorbed. 903 rarefied (ADJ) less dense. 904 raspy (ADJ) harsh, irritable or rough. 905 ratify (V) to approve or confirm in an official manner. 906 rationale (N) the basis for something; such as a statement or explanation of reasons. 907 rationalize (V) to try to explain something that does not really have a sensible explanation. 908 ravel (V) to separate or untwist, or to tangle; it can also mean to make clear, or to confuse. 909 ravenous (ADJ) greedily or wildly hungry; it can also mean very eager. 910 raze (V) to tear down completely or to level to the ground. 911 reactionary (ADJ) marked by or pertaining to an extreme reaction, usually one that is conservative or right- wing. 912 realm (N) a kingdom, area, or region. 913 reaper (N) a machine or person who cuts with a scythe or sickle or who gathers by cutting. 914 rebuff (V) to refuse bluntly, to reject, or to repulse. 915 recalcitrant (ADJ) refusing to obey authority, customs or regulations; stubborn 916 recant (V) to take back something one has said. 917 receptive (ADJ) open to new ideas or things, favorable, or welcoming. 918 recession (N) the act of going back or withdrawing; it can also refer to a temporary downturn in the economy. 919 recidivism (N) a relapse, often into crime or antisocial behavior. 920 reciprocate (V) to give or feel in return for a favor or a feeling. 921 reclaim (V) to regain possession of something. 922 recluse (N) someone who lives a secluded life, apart from society. 923 reconcile (V) to make friendly again or to settle a dispute or disagreement. 924 recondite (ADJ) beyond the grasp of the ordinary mind or understanding. 925 recourse (N) assistance or a method of obtaining assistance 926 recrimination (N) a countercharge or the act of making a similar accusation toward another. 927 rectify (V) to put or set right or to correct. 928 rectitude (N) conduct according to moral character and uprightness of character. 929 recumbent (ADJ) leaning, lying down or reclining. 930 recuperate (V) to recover or get back to health or strength; it can also mean to recover financial losses. 931 recurrent (ADJ) appearing or occurring again and again or periodically. 932 redeem (V) to buy back, to get back, or to recover. 933 redoubtable (ADJ) commanding respect or fearsome. 934 redress (N) compensation for a wrong-doing. 935 redundant (ADJ) more than enough or in excess, extra. 936 referendum (N) a vote or submitting to a vote. 937 refractory (ADJ) hard to manage, uncontrollable, or disobedient, usually said of a person or animal. 938 refrain (V) to hold back or keep oneself from something. 939 refurbish (V) to brighten, to renovate, or polish up. 940 refute (TRV) to prove a person, argument, or statement to be false. 941 regale (V) to entertain lavishly, especially with a pleasant feast. 942 regeneration (N) renewal, rebirth or reformation. 943 regimen (N) a regulated system of doing something. 944 rehabilitate (V) to restore or put back into good condition, often to a normal state of health or activity. 945 reimburse (V) to pay back money spent or to compensate a person for expenses, damages, or losses. 946 rejuvenate (V) to make or feel young, or fresh, especially in strength or appearance. 947 relegate (TRV) to assign to a lower order of or to a lower position; demote 948 relevant (ADJ) relating to the matter at hand, to the point. 949 relic (N) a keepsake from the past, something which has survived deterioration 950 relinquish (V) to surrender something owned, or to give up or to abandon something, such as a plan. 951 remediable (ADJ) that which can be cured, healed, or set right. 952 remission (N) a lessening or disappearance of symptoms of a disease. 953 remonstrance (N) the act or instance of protest or complaint. 954 remorse (N) a deep sense of guilt or regret felt over doing wrong. 955 renaissance (N) a rebirth, revival or transformation. 956 render (V) to give, to hand over, or to deliver; it can also mean to depict, as in a drawing. 957 renegade (N) someone who abandons a movement, religion or party and become its opposer. 958 renege (V) to back out of an agreement or fail to keep a promise. 959 renovate (V) to make fresh, whole, or sound again. 960 repeal (V) to withdraw officially or formally, or to call back; it can also mean to abolish. 961 repose (N) a state of rest or ease. 962 reprieve (N) a delay of punishment; temporary relief. 963 reprisal (N) inflicting injury on someone for a previous insult 964 reproach (TRV) to blame someone for a fault, to accuse or scold. 965 requiem (N) a Mass for a deceased person or the musical setting for the Mass. 966 requite (V) to repay or reciprocate. 967 rescind (V) to revoke or cancel. 968 resignation (N) reluctant acceptance of something; it can also mean notice of leaving one�s current job. 969 resilient (ADJ) springing back into shape, or quickly recover one�s strength or spirits. 970 resolute (ADJ) showing or having a fixed purpose. 971 resound (V) to make a loud noise. 972 respite (N) a temporary relief or delay. 973 resplendent (ADJ) shining brightly. 974 resurrection (N) the state of having risen from the dead or inactivity; 975 retard (V) to slow something down, or to delay. 976 reticent (ADJ) silent, uncommunicative or quiet 977 retinue (N) a group of assistants, followers or servants attending a person of importance. 978 retiring (ADJ) withdrawn, shy, reserved. 979 revere (V) to regard with deep respect or affection, to hold in high regard. 980 rift (N) an opening or break caused by a split. 981 rind (N) a hard outer layer on food. 982 rout (V) to defeat overwhelmingly; it also means to dig up or poke around. 983 rue (V) to feel sorrow about or regret something. 984 ruffian (N) a bully or a mean person; someone behaving roughly. 985 saccharine (ADJ) containing or producing sugar, or being too sweet or sugary. 986 saga (N) a lengthy story or narrative 987 sage (N) a wise person, respected for his wisdom, experience, and judgment. 988 sartorial (ADJ) related to tailored clothes or a tailor. 989 scabbard (N) a case for a sword 990 scathed (ADJ) harmed or injured in some way. 991 scotch (TrV) to put an end to or to crush. 992 scourge (N) a whip, a method of inflicting harsh punishment, or a cause of widespread suffering 993 scruple (V) to hesitate because of conscience or moral reasons. 994 scrutinize (V) to look at very closely or to inspect. 995 selfdeprecating (ADJ) apologetic, tending to undervalue oneself. 996 sequester (V) to get into hiding, to seek solitude; it also means to isolate. 997 serrated (ADJ) having saw-like notches along the edge. 998 servile (ADJ) slave-like or submissive. 999 shunt (V) to shift something from one track or path to another 1000 shun (V) to avoid someone or something on purpose. 1001 similarity (N) a resemblance or likeness. 1002 simper (V) to smile in a silly way. 1003 skiff (N) a light, open boat usually propelled by oars or a sail. 1004 slander (N) false statements spoken about a person that cause damage to the person�s reputation or character. 1005 sneer (V) to show dislike and be disrespectful of something. 1006 solicit (TRV) to ask for or to request, usually in earnest, to plead. 1007 somatic (ADJ) relating to the body or physical 1008 sonata (N) a piece of classical music for one instrument. 1009 spurn (V) to push, drive away, or reject, usually with contempt. 1010 squander (V) to be wasteful or extravagant. 1011 stationary (ADJ) not moving or progressing, inactive. 1012 steadfast (ADJ) being firm, constant or loyal. 1013 stellar (ADJ) like a star in shape; it also means excellent or outstanding 1014 stem (V) to rise from or originate from. 1015 stickler (N) someone who is insistent about something. 1016 stoke (V) to add fuel to a fire. 1017 stolid (ADJ) solemn, with little emotion. 1018 stratagem (N) a clever plan. 1019 stratify (V) to arrange in layers. 1020 striated (ADJ) marked by grooves or stripes; it can also mean hollow or empty. 1021 stricture (N) harsh criticism; restraint. 1022 stringent (ADJ) rigid, controlled or strict. 1023 subdue (V) to conquer and control. 1024 sublime (ADJ) spiritually magnificent. 1025 subliminal (ADJ) below the threshold of consciousness. 1026 subsequent (ADJ) coming after or later; following in order. 1027 subtle (ADJ) not open or direct; it also means delicate or fine. 1028 subversive (ADJ) desirous of overthrowing something, typically a government or belief 1029 successive (ADJ) following one after another in sequence. 1030 succulent (ADJ) full of juice. 1031 succumb (V) to yield to something stronger 1032 suffragist (N) an activist for voting rights 1033 sultry (ADJ) very hot and humid. 1034 sundry (ADJ) various or varied; of an undetermined number. 1035 supercilious (ADJ) full of pride or arrogance. 1036 supplant (V) to replace or substitute, especially by force or treachery. 1037 surrogate (N) to be a substitute for something. 1038 svelte (ADJ) elegantly slim or slender 1039 swagger (N) a walk, manner, or behavior that is bold and arrogant. 1040 sweeping (ADJ) extending over a whole range or great space, being extensive or thorough 1041 sybarite (N) one who is devoted to sensual pleasures and luxuries. 1042 sycophant (N) a person who seeks favor by flattering people of wealth or power. 1043 systemic (ADJ) relating to the body as a whole. 1044 taciturn (ADJ) not liking to speak, uncommunicative. 1045 tangible (ADJ) that which can be touched or felt by touch. 1046 tantalize (V) to tease with something out of reach. 1047 tarantula (N) a large, hairy spider 1048 tarry (V) to be late in doing something. 1049 tedious (ADJ) long, tiresome, or boring. 1050 temporal (ADJ) ordinary rather than spiritual. 1051 tentative (ADJ) hesitant or cautious; it can also mean something done as an experiment. 1052 tepid (ADJ) being barely warm, and may also mean unemotional. 1053 tether (V) to tie something or someone to something 1054 throng (N) a great number, a crowd. 1055 timorous (ADJ) timid and fearful. 1056 toady (N) someone who flatters in the hopes of gaining something 1057 tocsin (N) a signal, a warning bell. 1058 tortuous (ADJ) full of twists and turns or tricky; it can also mean not being straightforward. 1059 tout (V) to talk about and promote something. 1060 tractable (ADJ) easily managed, taught, or controlled. 1061 trajectory (N) the curved path of something moving through air. 1062 transcendent (ADJ) far beyond normal limits. 1063 transcribe (V) to write out or type out in full; it can also mean to translate. 1064 transgression (N) the act of breaking the law, a command, etc. or going beyond limits and boundaries. 1065 transient (ADJ) staying or lasting for only a short time, or passing quickly. 1066 transitional (ADJ) characteristic of change; in the process of change or modulation. 1067 trappings (N) items worn for decoration, particularly on a horse's gear, or outward indications of something. 1068 travail (N) hard physical exertion or agony 1069 trifling (ADJ) unimportant or insignificant 1070 trinket (N) something small with little value. 1071 triumvirate (N) a ruling body of three. 1072 trough (N) a long, narrow, open container, often for holding water or food or for washing something. 1073 truism (N) a statement, the truth of which is well-known or obvious. 1074 tryst (N) a secret meeting between lovers. 1075 turpitude (N) an instance of moral corruption or wickedness. 1076 tutelage (N) guardianship or sponsorship 1077 tycoon (N) a very wealthy businessman. 1078 tyranny (N) an oppressive or unjust rule or government. 1079 ubiquitous (ADJ) appearing to be everywhere simultaneously. 1080 ulterior (ADJ) beyond what is openly said or indicated. 1081 unanimity (N) a complete agreement or united opinion. 1082 unassailable (ADJ) something which cannot be attacked or assaulted successfully. 1083 unbridled (ADJ) unrestrained or uncontrolled, wild. 1084 uncanny (ADJ) supernatural, unusual or exciting wonder 1085 undermine (V) to injure, weaken, or impair, especially by subtle means. 1086 underpinning (N) a basis or something which is used as a support 1087 underwrite (V) to agree to or show support for by signing one's name. 1088 unfrock (V) to remove or to deprive the rank, function, or authority of a priest or minister. 1089 uniform (ADJ) always the same, not varying or changing in form, degree, manner, etc. 1090 unilateral (ADJ) involving or affecting one side or only one of several persons or parties. 1091 unimpeachable (ADJ) that which cannot be questioned, doubted, or discredited. 1092 uninhibited (ADJ) behavior that is free from social or moral restraints. 1093 unkempt (ADJ) tangled, uncombed, or messy. 1094 unlettered (ADJ) not having a good education. 1095 unmitigated (ADJ) absolute, definite. 1096 unobtrusive (ADJ) inconspicuous, not readily noticeable. 1097 unpalatable (ADJ) unpleasant to the taste, or disagreeable. 1098 unprecedented (ADJ) having no precedent or parallel, being unheard of, unique. 1099 unravel (V) to untangle or separate; it can also mean to solve. 1100 unremitting (ADJ) constant, never stopping. 1101 unrequited (ADJ) not returned in the same way or to the same degree. 1102 unscathed (ADJ) unharmed or safe from being injured. 1103 unseemly (ADJ) offensive, not in good taste. 1104 untenable (ADJ) incapable of being defended, occupied or maintained 1105 upright (ADJ) standing erect; it can also mean honest and just. 1106 upstart (N) someone of humble background who has risen suddenly to power or importance 1107 usurp (V) to take by force and without right, often a position. 1108 utilitarian (ADJ) having or stressing usefulness over beauty, or being practical. 1109 uxorious (ADJ) excessively devoted or submissive to one's wife 1110 vagary (N) an odd or unexpected idea or a flight of fancy. 1111 vagrant (N) a person who wanders from place to place, or a homeless person. 1112 valedictory (ADJ) expressing a farewell. 1113 vanguard (N) to the people leading a movement. 1114 vantage (N) an advantage in a conflict or competition, or a position which provides an advantage 1115 vaunt (V) to brag or boast about something. 1116 vehement (ADJ) acting or moving with great force or strong passion. 1117 ventriloquist (N) a person who projects her voice on a puppet or on a dummy to communicate or entertain 1118 venturesome (ADJ) inclined to take risks or involving risks 1119 verbose (ADJ) using or containing too many words. 1120 verisimilitude (N) a realistic appearance. 1121 versatile (ADJ) able to do different things. 1122 vertigo (N) dizziness. 1123 vespertine (ADJ) relating to or happening in the evening 1124 vestige (N) an almost invisible trace of something 1125 vexation (N) something that causes annoyance or distress. 1126 vexatious (ADJ) annoying or troublesome. 1127 viable (ADJ) capable of living or likely to succeed. 1128 vicarious (ADJ) taking the place of another person or thing, acting as a substitute. 1129 vicissitude (N) the quality of being changeable; a variation in the course of things. 1130 victuals (N) food or provisions. 1131 vie (V) to strive for victory or compete 1132 vilify (V) to criticize harshly or to defame. 1133 vindicate (V) to clear from criticism, blame, guilt, or suspicion. 1134 viper (N) a venomous snake; it can also describe a malicious or treacherous person 1135 virile (ADJ) strong, muscular, or being like an adult male. 1136 virtual (ADJ) seeming real in effect or essence. 1137 virtuoso (N) a person with great skill in a fine art such as music. 1138 virulent (ADJ) full of hate, or extremely poisonous or deadly. 1139 visceral (ADJ) pertaining to the intestines, bowels, or other body cavities. 1140 viscous (ADJ) gluey or sticky 1141 visionary (N) a person of keen insight or forethought, a seer or prophet. 1142 vitiate (V) to affect or impair the quality of something, to devalue 1143 voluminous (ADJ) producing or consisting of great volume. 1144 voluptuous (ADJ) amply sensual and beautiful. 1145 vulnerable (ADJ) unprotected, easily injured. 1146 waggish (ADJ) funny or humorous. 1147 waive (V) to give up, reject or dismiss 1148 wallow (V) to move around in a lazy way. 1149 wanton (ADJ) to be out of control. 1150 warrant (N) authorization or justification, as given by a superior. 1151 wary (ADJ) to be cautious and watchful. 1152 wastrel (N) someone who wastes money, like a spendthrift 1153 wax (V) to grow larger or more numerous in a gradual way; it can also mean to speak or express oneself. 1154 weather (N) the conditions in the atmosphere. 1155 whet (V) to sharpen by rubbing or friction. 1156 whimsical (ADJ) fanciful, unpredictable, enchanting in a light-hearted way. 1157 whim (N) a sudden notion, idea, or desire; an impulse. 1158 wily (ADJ) clever or crafty. 1159 wince (V) to shrink back due to pain or a blow. 1160 windfall (N) an unexpected fortune, unearned gain. 1161 winnow (V) to get rid of something unwanted. 1162 winsome (ADJ) pleasing and engaging, childishly charming. 1163 wistful (ADJ) expressing vague longings or having desires tinged with sadness 1164 withdrawn (ADJ) detached and unresponsive. 1165 withhold (V) to keep something back. 1166 wizardry (N) the art or practice of magic. 1167 worldly (ADJ) of this world, not spiritual. 1168 wrench (V) to twist, pull, or jerk suddenly or violently. 1169 writhe (V) to twist or bend and roll around, usually in pain. 1170 wry (ADJ) twisted or distorted; it can also mean dry and ironic 1171 yen (N) a strong longing or desire. 1172 yokel (N) a person living in a rural or rustic area. (sometimes used in a condescending manner) 1173 yoke (V) to harness an animal; it also means to join together 1174 zany (ADJ) comical, funny, and crazy. 1175 zealot (N) a person who is a fanatic, or who is extreme or in his/her enthusiasm. 1176 zealous (ADJ) showing extreme enthusiasm or devotion. 1177 zeitgeist (N) the outlook, trends and characteristics of a specific period 1178 zenith (N) the highest point or peak. 1179 zephyr (N) a west wind or soft, gentle breeze. 1180 zodiacal (ADJ) relating to the zodiac, astrological